What is SoulCollage®?
"If we fail to nourish our souls, they wither, and without soul, life ceases to have meaning. The creative process shrivels in the absence of continual dialogue with the soul. And creativity is what makes life worth living."- Marion Woodman
SoulCollage® is a creative process of making beautiful collaged images that facilitates a dialogue with your soul. You begin creating a deck of cards using found images that can then be used as oracle cards much like your own personal tarot or a visual journal of your life that evolves with you over time. It is an intuitive means of self-exploration and self-acceptance that helps you get in touch with the inner child as well as the inner artist. What I love about it is that you don't have to be an artist skilled at painting and drawing to make incredibly evocative images that reflect the many facets of your unique Self.
SoulCollage® is a registered trademark and was developed by the late Seena B. Frost, a psychotherapist in California, in 1998. Her first book, SoulCollage was published in 2001, and her second book, SoulCollage Evolving, came out in 2010. Here's how she describes the creative process and outcome: "It is a tangible way to know yourself in your diversity and depth, and also to show yourself to others. Showing your deck of SoulCollage® cards to another person can be a profound experience. In like-spirited groups, you can share cards and work with them in many sacred ways. You can consult them intuitively and discover wisdom within yourself which will amaze you. Besides all this, creating them is just plain fun! You will love your deck -- a multi-card Mirror of your Self and your Soul -- whether it consists of three cards or a hundred."
There are over 5,000 trained facilitators around the world, including myself. I offer "playshops" throughout the year. In my classes, you will be taken on a guided journey to meet an animal ally or guide, explore the archetypes that are most active in you at this time, discover your sub-personalities, and make a card or cards to reflect your Self in an often transforming way. Please contact me if you are interested in being put on my mailing list: Contact Stephanie
Click below to see a slideshow of SoulCollage® cards I used to tell my story: Her Story, A SoulCollage® Journey
For more information, go to www.SoulCollage.com. Check out this 6-minute introduction and demonstration by Seena B. Frost herself.